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Re: /bin/sh diversions

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Pierre Habouzit wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 12:53:03PM -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
>> On Wed, 01 Aug 2007, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
>>> Henrique de Moraes Holschuh dixit:
>>>> There is just too much crap out there that thinks /bin/sh is bash.
>>> Not in Debian ??? /bin/sh scripts must be POSIX compliant and not use
>> No, not in Debian.
>> But in practice, if many people can't change that away from bash because all
>> sort of *broken* local scripts, and 3rd-party scripts croak, you gain
>> little.
>> OTOH, specifically using something else than /bin/sh for a fast
>> POSIX-with-the-extensions-Debian-mandates shell (i.e. forget posh, but dash
>> is good) does NOT need /bin/sh to point to it, so it can't trip on such
>> issues caused by external factors outside of Debian's control.
>   Afaict ubuntu did the change, and the sky didn't fell apart.
>   And wrt scripts out there, there is 2 kinds of scripts:
>   * the old one that are written by people on obsolete platforms where
>     the de facto standard was a local ksh shell, and we can expect those
>     to work properly on dash.
>   * the one unclever users have written with /bin/sh pointing to
>     /bin/bash. For them, it's easy, just don't change /bin/sh on dash on
>     upgrades. Do that only for new installations. And for them, the fix
>     is quite easy, they still can use #!/bin/bash.

It's more simple if our scripts or our packages point to #!/bin/dash if
you are looking for a way for moderate resources use.

Can be a error if are scripts who uses #!/bin/sh as bash, but, these
error exists. Are on the packages, and on the client-side. Too, the
users are using bash since long time ago. Now, we can make a change,
but, this can be confuse to the users. You can use literaly dash, or can
make a newer symlink to "smaller sh interpreter" and make them standard
to all developers use this if are looking for a sh interpreter who its
the smallest on the system. But, changing sh target for all users,
without really necesity, can be a chaos.

The changes can be commented, but, are sensitival changes. Its the same
as the "debian menu" discursion on this list. Now, i'm out-to-date on
these chat, but, i can see on my distro who the menu are hidden. My
debian installation its older, and i use this menu, and now, because a
discursion of this theme, i have disappeared the menu from my list. I
can make them to show newly, but, these changes, without any warning to
the users confused them.

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