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Re: Debian AMD64 Port - still waiting on ftpmaster

Andreas Schuldei said:

> an alternative to such a rant would be to call them and talk to
> them on the phone. if you keep your voice level down and stay
> friendly you would surely even get friendly answers.

Oh, then I assume that you'll make a proposal to publish the phone numbers
of important persons on www.d.o, so anyone can give them a call, where
there is a problem and they want it to be solved.
I'm quite sure the called people will surely support your proposal.

> with this kind of rant you damage the amd64 port more then you
> help it.

I don't agree here. I can only see other persons who damage the port and
the project in total and none of those persons is Chris...

Ciao...          //
      Ingo     \X/

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