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Re: Where is libgl?

>>>>> "James" == James A Treacy <treacy@debian.org> writes:

    James> Please do and test it a lot. Playing lots of quake
    James> work. You probably never thought you could help Debian by
    James> playing games, did you?

I think I've reported this to you before, but please, please, don't
name them mesag3 and mesag-dev, et cetera! Mesa 3.1 is pretty much
incompatible with Mesa 3.0 on the NURBS side (i.e. it CRASHES OVER AND
OVER AGAIN :) and it's worthless for anyone doing any OpenGL curved
surface work.

I've reported this as a bug upstream but they haven't responded.

Please name your 3.1 packages something more like libmesa3.1 or
mesag3.1 instead of over-writing the old ones. 

Besides, the existing mesag3 package used the library name 'libMesaGL'
and the new ones use 'libGL' -- they're totally different! This will
mess up dependancies, won't it? Packages will still depend on
'mesag3', but the binaries will look for 'libMesaGL' and only find


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