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Re: gnome .debs

>>"Martin" == Martin Bialasinski <martin@internet-treff.uni-koeln.de> writes:

>> "JM" == Justin Maurer <mike911@clark.net> writes:

 JM> i have never used cvs-buildpackage, but would be willing to
 JM> generate nightly .debs. what do people think of this?

 Martin> I and Marcus have trouble with cvs-buildpackage. Better
 Martin> wait/contact Manoj before you get into the strange problems
 Martin> we have.

	I am leaving town for a week on a business trip, and hence
 won't be able to deal with this until I return. cvs-inject is a
 simple script; could one of you do me the favour of looking at a bash
 -x invocation (which I shall do next week) and see wherte the problem

	The following ~/.cvsdeb.conf is known to work with cvs-inject.

# This file is a bourne shell snippet, and is sourced by the
# cvs-buildpackage script for configuration.

# The following variables are available, derived from the changelog
# file at run time 
# $package:  Name of the package
# $version:  The raw version of the package
# $sversion: The version number stripped of epochs
# $uversion: The upstream version
# $tversion: Debian revision number, if any
# There is nothing preventing you from over riding any of those, or,
# in fact, from modifying internal variables used in the script,
# though you should know  what you are doing before doing so, know
# that all your warranties become void if you do so.

# Debugging information: The default value is 0 (no debugging
# information is printed). To change the default behaviour, uncomment
# the following line and set the value to 1.

# The directories.

# The root directory is used to set the default value of the work
# directory, using the package name. The default value is
# /usr/src/Packages (note that this directory is not created
# automatically). To change the default behaviour, uncomment the
# following line and set the value to match the local setup.

# The work directory. This directory is where the original sources are
# expected, and this is where the module shall be exported from CVS.
# If you set this value, the value of the root directory, either set
# up above or on the command line, would be ignored. To change the
# default behaviour, uncomment the following line and set the value to
# match the local setup.
# conf_workdir="$rootdir/$package"


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Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

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