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Re: ncurses problem?

I have found that with the newest rxvt (released within the last week I
believe) it also messes up mutt, sets TERM to rxvt (which seems to break
a few things that don't know about TERM=rxvt, and also messes up the
screen for the kernel's menuconfig.  Oh, and backspace no longer does
a ^H for some reason.

Erik B. Andersen   Web:    http://www.inconnect.com/~andersen/ 
                   email:  andersee@debian.org
--This message was written using 73% post-consumer electrons--

On 13 Aug 1997, Douglas Bates wrote:

> "Colin R. Telmer" <telmerco@qed.econ.queensu.ca> writes:
> > I recently updated my unstable installation a couple of days ago and a few
> > ncurses based programs are acting strangely. For instance, if I run
> > dselect (pre-depends on ncurses4.3) and move down through the selection
> > list, the screen gets all messed up. Same sort of thing happens with ncftp
> > (depends ncurses3.0). Is this a bug or have I possibly done something to
> > cause this? Any help is gratefully appreciated. Cheers.
> Are you by chance running dselect in an rxvt window?  I found that
> dselect messed up the window in rxvt but not in xterm.
> -- 
> Douglas Bates                            bates@stat.wisc.edu
> Statistics Department                    608/262-2598
> University of Wisconsin - Madison        http://www.stat.wisc.edu/~bates/
> --
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