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Re: Installing non-interactively/improving interactive postint-scripts

On Fri, Aug 01, 1997 at 03:12:28PM -0400, Steve Dunham wrote:
> Well it just doesn't ask any questions. Any questions that they ask are
> centralized and seperate from the packages. (So this wouldn't work for
> us both because we are decentralized and because we want more choice in
> the behaviour of the packages we install.)

So this is about the same useless approach that the German
SuSE-distribution uses (all the configuration questions are hardcoded in
their installation-tool 'YaST'). Needless to say that I never liked it :-)

> I think this has been discussed before, but as far as I can tell it was 
> never resolved.

I'm rather new on debian-devel, so I missed this thread.

> What would be nice is a system that entails:
>  1. A global configuration file of answers to _install-time_ questions.
>  2. Changing the postinst scripts to look in the configuration file
> first.
>  3. A utility for asking the questions and creating the file.
> One option would be to standardize a file describing the variables that
> a
> program uses (and their datatypes, string, number, etc.)

This is exactly what I've been thinking about.

> I don't think it would be too big of a deal to change all the postinst 
> scripts - the big problem is coming up with a system and standardizing
> it.
> This is something that could be discussed to death.  

That's the problem. I'll have a look some packages' postinst-script to find
out what type of questions they actually ask and how complex such a system
would have to be.

/* Martin Buck                      E-Mail: martin-2.buck@student.uni-ulm.de */
/* Student of electrical engineering   WWW: http://www.uni-ulm.de/~s_mbuck1/ */
/* University of Ulm, Germany  Snail-Mail: Paukengasse 2, 89077 Ulm, Germany */
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