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Re: Re^4: Link to Japanese Debian?

Marco Budde wrote:
> Moin Fabrizio!


> FP> This is not the easiest thing because most script should be
> FP> rewritten in a language that accept localization.
> That's not a real problem in my opinion. It should be possible to use
> different languages in a bash script for example.

How to do this (using external files with translations)?
Do you know of a well established procedure to internationalize scripts
(perl, shell, tcl/tk)?

> FP> Maybe Debian could officially ask to FSF permission to get help
> FP> from those well organized teams?
> We could found our own translation team.

If we only could have all those people (there are mountains of things to
translate); consider that most of us are also GNU translators ...

Anyway, this thread seems to be exactly what should be in the
debian-i18n list. 
Should we move it there? What other thinks?

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