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Re: Bug#4674: ppp postinst bugs

'Guy Maor wrote:'
>On Wed, 2 Oct 1996, Christoph Lameter wrote:
>> Why would anybody have pppd always running? Does anybody?
>I do!
>Seriously - does anyone else think providing the /etc/init.d/ file
>without links for optional daemons is a problem?

Almost all daemons are optional.  In general, I'd like to be able to
install a daemon, read the docs for a few weeks, and only then
activate it.  Righnt now, I have to edit the /etc/rc2.d links /and/
edit all the /etc/cron.*/<package> files that send me email for these
unpacked yet unconfigured packages.  Not a BIG deal ... but it would
be nice if a better mechanism were available.

Christopher J. Fearnley            |    Linux/Internet Consulting
cjf@netaxs.com, cjf@onit.net       |    UNIX SIG Leader at PACS
http://www.netaxs.com/~cjf         |    (Philadelphia Area Computer Society)
ftp://ftp.netaxs.com/people/cjf    |    Design Science Revolutionary
"Dare to be Naive" -- Bucky Fuller |    Explorer in Universe

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