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Re: Resigning from the team, leaving two packages behind

On 25.10.2014 15:31, Tobias Frost wrote:
> Yes, always sad when someone leaves...
> However, please file a orphaning bug as recommended in [1].
> If you remove your name from d/control in the repository, the correct
> procedure is also to set the Maintainer to the QA-Team, as otherwise the
> package violates the Policy §3.3. 
> (You can also leave your name there, if you want. The one adopting the
> package will remove it then (in this case its recommended to file a
> wishlist-bug against your package))
> So, yes, well, thanks for your past contribtions to Debian. Be welcome
> to come back if you feel so at any time.
> --
> tobi
> [1]
> https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/developer-duties.html#s3.7

Pysolfc and Pysolfc-cardsets are both maintained by the Debian Games
Team. In the past we considered it to be the appropriate way to announce
the resignation from the team on this list and then ask other team
members if they want to step up to become the Uploader of the package.
In case nobody is immediately willing to take care of the package, we
file a RFA bug report and request an adopter. See [1] for an example.
The goal is to find more people who want to make a contribution by
becoming a member of this team. If this is not successful, the package
can always be orphaned in a subsequent step.

The current package does not violate §3.3 as it fulfills all
requirements demanded by the Policy.


[1] https://bugs.debian.org/728193

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