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Ode package: working on


I'm working on the ode package. I will try to propose a upload next week. 
However, after look at the package I have some doubts that I would like to 

- libode has libccd embed. I did a petition to extract it to upstream and make 
a check to use the external version, if not the internal one, but no answer.

The build system is autotools and I'm not so expert to make a patch. So, can 
we provide libode with this code embed?

- Upstream has changed SONAME. Also, we have had two packages, one with single 
precision test and another with double precision. I think that we could drop 
the single precision package and release the double precision as default in 
64bit arch and single precision in 32bits arch. What do you think?

- I think that we can drop dh-autoreconf. It was introduced in the previous 
version, not released in debian. I would prefer it, because not, recreate the 
autotools files and it's a mess when the devscripts make the diff with the 
orig version. What do you think?

- Someone knows why 0.12 was never uploaded to unstable?

Thanks for all.

Best regards,


A Dimecres, 4 de juny de 2014, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda va escriure:

> the new url is:
> git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/ode.git
> I have some merge conflicts, and I hope I could solve it soon.

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