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Re: Package sdl-ttf2.0


Bruno Ramos <brunoramos.lu@gmail.com> writes:
>>> I'm preparing the package sdl-ttf2 [1] and I would like to know if the
>>> Debian games team is interested in sponsoring the package and/or maybe
>>> (co-)maintain it.
>>> The package that is currently in mentors should be ready to be reviewed.
>>> I would be really happy if I could join the Debian games team, I have
>>> already tried to contact the SDL team [2] but got no response.

I don't think anything has happened regarding the takeover of SDL
packages (or merge with the SDL team) yet, but with that in mind
maintaining sdl-ttf2.0 in the Games Team looks like a good idea.

Did you already request membership in the Alioth project?

> I have added a lintian override because of a warning concerning the
> package name.
>   O: libsdl-ttf2.0-0: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libSDL-ttf-2.0-0
> This version is supposed to get the package in better shape and
> package the new upstream version.
> Messing with .so names doesn't seem to be a good idea at this point...
> but maybe I'm wrong, I'm not 100% sure.

That is right, changing the package name after it already has been in
the archive only creates additional work (such as rebuilding reverse
dependencies).  You can just ignore this lintian warning until the next
soname change.

I did take a brief look at the package you uploaded on mentors.d.n
(dated Sat, 03 Sep 2011 14:06:46 +0200):

The upstream tarball includes binraries without source (the freetype
libraries in VisualC.zip and Watcom-Win32.zip).  Please remove them.

debian/stamp-patched should be removed.

Is debian/shlibs.local still needed?

Did you consider implementing multiarch support? See [1] for more details.


[1] <http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch>

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