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Re: Game Manager alioth project

On 2/26/08, Jon Dowland wrote:
> I stumbled across Game Manager
> <https://alioth.debian.org/projects/game-manager/> whilst searching
> alioth.debian.org --
> <https://alioth.debian.org/search/?type_of_search=soft&group_id=30695&words=games&Search=Search>
> I do not have permission to see anything about the project (including
> the status page).. does anyone know anything about this?

hello, i started this project a while back, but it was rejected
because it didn't meet the stringent free software requirements for an
alioth project.  i put all of the software that i wrote under the gpl,
but the intent was to better support commercial (non-free) games on
linux, which didn't fall in line with the free-software-only in debian
agenda of the alioth managers, so they said no.

i still have the code sitting on my hard drive, but haven't been
developing it as of late.  i've been heavily considering jumping ship
to ubuntu where they aren't so single-minded.

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