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Re: free game engines, non-distributable game data and how to ship them

On 3/18/08, Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda@deb.at> wrote:
> * Ivan Vucica <ivucica@gmail.com> [2008-03-17 14:15:19 CET]:
> > CNC1 was recently released as freeware (not free software), it might
> > be interesting to package freecnc into contrib + free CNC1 data into
> > non-free.
> No, it might not. Do you want to take care of all the bugreports that
> might pop up for freecnc, tackle them appropriately? Packaging freecnc
> would come down to that because there is no upstream anymore from what I
> know, there hasn't been any upstream activity since _years_. "December
> 2nd, 2006: Due to lack of project activity ..."

I just brought packaging it up since someone else mentioned freecnc.
If it works it'd make a great addition to non-free. But you're right,
it's probably not worth the maintenance hell.

Ivan Vučica
-- Croatia --

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