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Re: RFS: prboom (updated package)

2007/10/31, João Pinto <lamego.pinto@gmail.com>:
> >What is *not* OK is to ignore requests on clearification and actively
> >working against the team. By uploading a team package without
> >communicating with the team, adding changes to it outside of team's
> >scope, not trying to get the changes in this shows that one doesn't care
> >about the team.
> This statement assumes bad faith from him, your are clearly concerned *ONLY*
> with the team, not with the ability to bring a new member to it, or to turn
> his collaboration into a more positive practice.

Thanks for your reply, João. I have never assumed bad faith on his
part, just kind of misunderstanding between him and the rest of the
team. I honestly think that if he would have replied to the main
threads on the subject some days ago we might be facing a different
situation now.

Everyone makes mistakes, that's a fact. It's not a problem in itself.
I myself have made lots of mistakes in SVN that fortunately other
people in the team have noticed and corrected. That's what a team is
for. I can really tell you that there's no kind of elitism involved,
at least on my part.

The problem seems to be that those many mistakes together, and the
lack of a proper and full explanation on the mailing list (o IRC) when
asked about it have lead to a point in which some part of the team
don't seem to trust him so much. The RFS on prboom on his own seems to
have added more weight to the problem we already had about it. I mean,
it's not the RFS on itself, I move myself a lot on my own for getting
sponsorship for some of the packages I'm more involved in, within
those maintained by the team, it's just a mixture of things: the
controversial SVN commits, the fact that prboom is already taken care
by other people (as uploaders), even with some DDs in the list, the
way it has been done without communication with the rest of the team,
being silent in those mail threads. It's quite understandable that
some members of the team do not fully trust him right now and got the
impression that he's doing things on his own, out of the way the team
is working. As I said, I seriously don't think there is any bad faith
in his acts.


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