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Re: gothicx-guest removed

Miriam Ruiz wrote:
> My personal position, after reading the pros and cons from many
> people, goes along the lines that Vincent has mentioned. ACLs, entry
> tests and so on might not provide anything useful but just scare some
> people that we might want to have in the team. In any case I want to

Well, with the risk of sounding harsh, people not motivated enough to go through
some filtering process (at least prove some commitment to the team/project, or
be aware that their commit right might be revoked at any given time because
they're not doing a good job) shouldn't be part of the team.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for a low barrier entry, but I feel that people
aproving/advocating the entry must be the ones responsible (or find such people)
for the close eye on the new commer. Te seems to me we don't need yet another NM
process, but we need experienced people to commit to watching and mentoring new

And since there are so few of us admins (myself, Miriam, Gonéri and Sam) I have
just added Gerfried to the admins list.

> decide a way to cope as a team with this kind of situation if it
> happens again. Maybe just an easy to get in, easy to get out, watch
> carefully the 1st commits and a kind of mentoring program might do.

Well, I guess the people that allow the entry should also be responsible for the
monitoring of the first commits, as I said before. If not, a "sponsor" should be
found inside the team before adding.

By "sponsor" I mean a person within the team that agrees to tutor and watch over
the newcommer's sholder commits and changes and is ready to commit to doing that
for a while until he/she feels the newcommer has accumulated enough knowledge to
stop direct and constant watching.

This doesn't mean that:
- at a later time is not possible to restore permanent watch
- there can't be comments/reviews from other than the soponsor
- once in, you can't be ruled out

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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