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Re: Debian derivatives census: activity ping

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:24 PM,  Gerhard Oettl wrote:

> I always wondered about the meaning of this date and changed the text to
> "latest activity".

The date is a simple way to check which distros are still active.

If the text is anything other than "active" then the various checks
and scripts ignore the derivative. Currently this means that the blog
feeds are removed from Planet Debian Derivatives, repo QA checks and
patch generation are not done.

I've changed the text for LinuxAdvanced back to "active".

> The merge with the swiss lernstick <http://www.imedias.ch/lernstick> is
> planed.

Interesting, could you tell us about how this decision was made and
how it will happen?

BTW, DebConf13 is in Switzerland next year, do the Lernstick folks
know about it?



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