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Re: canned peach Unsubscription

On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 10:36:12PM +0200, Thomas Ritter wrote:
> Am Montag, 20. Oktober 2003 20:31 schrieb canned peach:
> > Unsubscription from list:
> >
> > canned peach
> >
> > is successful.
> Oh my, wouldn't this have been crossposted to many debian lists, I'd say, this 
> is truely a debian-curiosa. And SpamAssassin didn't even catch it... ts ts ts 
> ts...
> But the hell, who would send this to a nerdy list like debian-curiosa? Some of 
> the subscribers might be mislead not to think about fruit... this comes right 
> after canned panties, doesn't it?
> Canned Peach Syrup! GAH!

I wonder if there's something about the word "Debian" that makes
people think it's something totally different from what it really is.
debian-curiosa... curiosities pertaining to Debia... who/what/where is
Debia? Sounds vaguely classical; maybe it refers to some group of
ancient Greeks noted for a particular perversion. Maybe it means
people who do rude things with peach juice?

The thing that struck me about this particular spam was that
disclaimer thing saying that under some US law it couldn't be
considered spam because it had a click-to-unsubscribe link. Surely
that can't be true?

I preferred the one offering wet blue cows, several metres square but
really thin... brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "and now,
adding colour... a group of anonymous Latin-American meat-packing glitterati".


Be kind to pigeons
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