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Re: Some thoughts on a fortune

Florian Zimmermann wrote:

this ipaq running familiar (or, if you prefer - intimate) and qpe feels
quite smooth now. there are some bucks to earn before, but i believe
in qpe as a toy, since toys and fun sell first on the mass market at
least. the mpeg-player is really cute and there are games like nethack
which were ported nicely. otoh there are e.g. the todo-list which does
a great day-to-day job for me and let me use it in an efficient way.
i just like it and can suggest it to every linux addicted,
and cause i spent roughly 500$ for it, these 2 cents
are..yea my last 2 cents ;-)

Just out of curiosity, and I hope this isn't considered list clutter, how's the handwriting recognition under Linux on the IPAQ compared to WinCE or Palm OS?

Bryan Voss
    PGP Key: http://www.vosswerx.com/bvoss/pgpkey.txt
When the sky is falling, it's nice to have more places for it to land.
  -- Eli Carter (concerning naming core dump files under Linux)

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