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Re: Is an MBF and unblock for packages introducing new files in /bin or /sbin or /lib in Bookworm acceptable at this stage?

On Mon, 22 May 2023 at 22:40, Sam Hartman <hartmans@debian.org> wrote:
> ;>>>>> "Luca" == Luca Boccassi <bluca@debian.org> writes:
>     Luca> So what you are worried is the combination of a testing
>     Luca> installation from~one year ago, that is otherwise never
>     Luca> touched for say another year, and also that has one of those
>     Luca> 23 packages installed in the old version, and also that same
>     Luca> package of those 23 gets rearranged?
> I find I'm joining the growing number of people who cannot assume good
> faith.
> I'm disappointed that you choose to  diminish others arguments, working
> to find the quickest way to dismiss the contributions of people who are
> interacting with you rather than   to explore what they are saying and
> see if there is something you can learn from their contributions.

This is how you started your "contribution" to an otherwise normal and
tension-less thread:

> This sounds  like a really bad idea.
> I suspect the reason you want to make this MBF is that you believe it
will somehow make the transition easier if there are fewer files in /bin
or /usr/bin.

IE, you immediately escalated it with aggressiveness followed by
baseless accusations verging on the conspiratorial.
So next time you might want to consider getting off that high horse
first, before giving others lessons in how to approach a thread.

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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