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Re: Is an MBF and unblock for packages introducing new files in /bin or /sbin or /lib in Bookworm acceptable at this stage?

;>>>>> "Luca" == Luca Boccassi <bluca@debian.org> writes:
    Luca> So what you are worried is the combination of a testing
    Luca> installation from~one year ago, that is otherwise never
    Luca> touched for say another year, and also that has one of those
    Luca> 23 packages installed in the old version, and also that same
    Luca> package of those 23 gets rearranged?

I find I'm joining the growing number of people who cannot assume good
I'm disappointed that you choose to  diminish others arguments, working
to find the quickest way to dismiss the contributions of people who are
interacting with you rather than   to explore what they are saying and
see if there is something you can learn from their contributions.
So, let's rephrase this, trying to make the situation  I'm talking about
likely rather than working to dismiss it:

> So what you are worried is the combination of a testing
> installation from just before the unblocks migrate into testing, that
> is next upgraded a few months after bookworm releases, which  that has one of those
    Luca> 23 packages installed, and  one of those packages gets

Yes, that's the situation I'm considering.
The difference in how I presented things and how you presented things

* You chose a much older initial testing image than was necessary.

* In the phrases where I edited your language, you chose to emphasize
  what you see as a small number of packages, and to amplify what you
  see as improbabilities.

Instead, you could have presented my argument in a neutral manner,
working to confirm understanding, and actually treated my contribution
with respect.

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