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Bug#1035904: dpkg currently warning about merged-usr systems (revisited)

>>>>> "Matthew" == Matthew Vernon <matthew@debian.org> writes:

    Matthew> On 15/05/2023 16:54, Bdale Garbee wrote:
    >> I could.
    >> Can you provide an example of actual value delivered to Debian
    >> from merged-/usr?

    Matthew> With respect, I don't think this line of argument is going
    Matthew> to get us very far - this bug isn't about whether we should
    Matthew> undo usr-merge, so I don't think a debate on the merits or
    Matthew> otherwise of usr-merge is germane.

I actually think the whole ABI issue is basically irrelevant for this
I think that in this bug at least we are hoping to discuss the
appropriateness of the dpkg warning for sources downstreams grab from
the Debian archivje.
That issue seems quite sufficient for one bug:-)

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