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Re: Social Contract GR's Affect on sarge

On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 20:06:25 +0100, Ian Jackson
<ian@davenant.greenend.org.uk> said:  

> Reading debian-vote, I think it would be helpful if we stated our
> opinion formally.  There still seems to be some dispute.

	I agree with the first part of this.

> I therefore hereby propose the following resolution and call for a
> vote.  I'm hoping we can get enough of the TC to vote in favour to
> get an official resolution well before the close of voting.

>  Headline advice: we recommend that Developers vote as follows:
>   either B,D,E,C,A,F,FD (2453167) Grandfather clause for Sarge or
>   D,B,E,C,A,F,FD (4253167) Rescind Social Contract changes

>  It seems to us that:

>   * The Social Contract as amended is unambiguous, and prevents the
>     release of Sarge as-is.

>   * We would like to see Sarge's release go in parallel with the
>     time-consuming fixes to the copyright problems.

>  Therefore:

>   * The Developers must decide whether to waive or amend the Social
>     Contract.  If no waiver is forthcoming, then Sarge will not be
>     released until all of the problematic material has been sorted
>     out.

>   * If such a grandfather resolution does not pass with a 3:1
>     supermajority then the Social Contract is not waived and sarge
>     should not be released until the non-free stuff is removed
>     somehow.

>  We are pleased to see this waiver process is happening and will
>  probably result in a resolution in time.  So:

>   * The Release Manager should plan for such a resolution to either
>     grandfather the existing situation, or permit the release of
>     Sarge some other way.  To do anything else would be to prejudge
>     the issue.

>   * Of the General Resolution currently being voted on, the effects
>     as we see them on the Sarge release process are as follows:
>       B,D,E: Sarge will go ahead (software quality permitting).  C:
>       Sarge will be delayed to remove certain non-free items not
>          covered by the grandfather clause (see below).
>       A: Sarge will go ahead if it can be done by 2004-09-01.  F:
>       Sarge will be delayed to remove the non-free `non-software'.

	OK so far.

>  We offer the following observations advice to the Developers as
>  they cast their votes:


	I strongly feel we should not be in the position of advising
 people how to vote.

>  We also note that the Technical Committee has no formal authority
>  in this area.  The questions being disputed are not technical.  Any
>  authority we have derives only from Release Manager (who has
>  delegated this controversial decision to us) and of course from our
>  power to state our opinions.

	This paragraph is OK as well.

He who wonders discovers that this in itself is wonder. M.C. Escher
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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