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Re: Next team meeting: 2022-11-09 20:00 UTC

Here are my notes from the recent meeting:

Progress on awscli v2

Noah Meyerhans has continued the work packaging awscli v2.  We discussed the
issues surrounding the current dependencies of aws-crt-python - upstream
sometimes breaks api & abi compatibility without changing the soname.  For now,
we decided to distribute static-only library packages to avoid breakage for
consumers of the shared libs.

This allows us and others to proceed with using these libraries.  But folks
outside of the cloud-team should avoid uploading packages that consume these
libraries, or else be prepared to respond to broken interfaces.  For now we
won't consider those to be bugs.  This will be documented in the packages.

We've heard that upstream will eventually stabilize these interfaces.  So we
hope this situation will eventually improve.

syncproxies on AWS

We have a request for AWS infrastructure from the mirror team for
geographically dispersed syncproxies.  We want to help and have a few questions
on what's needed and how it should be delivered.  Noah will follow up on them.

debian.cloud domain setup

There is an in-progress DSA request to get nameservers configured for
debian.cloud.  We're hoping to get this ironed out soon so we can finish the
DNS setup.


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