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Re: AWS - Debian EOL Help

On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 10:21:14AM -0700, Eric Stone wrote:
>    I have a problem on AWS, where I have about 20 servers that I cannot
>    access because I cannot re-subscribe to the AMI.

What is the exact operation you're trying to perform?  What is the
specific error you're seeing in response to that operation?  Deprecation
or deregistration of an AMI, or retirement of an AWS Marketplace
listing, does not impact the functionality of existing instances based
on those AMIs.

>    The issue is the AMI - I can not re-subscribe to the marketplace image.
>    AMI:    ami-00424db9a7a4b343b

That ami is not a Debian published AMI at all, so we have no direct
control over its availability or lack thereof.


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