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Re: Follow-up on last IRC meeting (ie: 12 Aug 2020)

On Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 12:37:12AM +0200, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Sorry for not being online, my sister was there and it's my holidays, so
> I decided it was nicer to be with her and enjoy life. Though I have the
> IRC logs, and want to follow-up on the discussion.

Sounds like a nice time - hope you had fun!

> 1/ Releasing updated images
> I'm seeing images with dates, which seems to more or less match the
> release of the "other" OpenStack images, so I wonder if that work is
> already done or what...

I don't think anything automatically does this comparison.  But I think a few
releases have been made for specific security releases.

> Even if we do have such implementation already (which I cannot confirm),
> it is my opinion that we still don't have feature parity. With Sledge,
> we made sure that the current image always has the same URL, ie:
> http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/openstack/current/

Yes, this would be nice to have.  An issue was filed for it:

> I still don't understand why we would need to keep daily images on
> Salsa. Aren't they useless if we have the feature above? Can't we then
> just drop everything that is, let's say, one week old, as we'd otherwise
> just be keeping duplicates of the same thing?

The salsa pipeline expires all artifacts (daily and release) after 7 days, but
nothing cleans up pettersson yet.  Bastian said that he might have a script for
this somewhere.  Noah would like to keep more dailies as long as it isn't
causing problems.  I don't feel strongly either way.

> 2/ Octavia images larger than 256 MB
> I saw that the discussion was around publishing raw images. Since we
> can't store the Octavia images on Salsa, could we imagine publishing
> them on Paterson with the pipeline, without storing them on Salsa at
> all? Does anyone have a suggestion?

Yes, that's the idea that most folks agreed on - a job in the salsa pipeline
should uncompress & upload the raw image without storing it as an artifact.

(I mean to go back and test some of the other things you wrote about, but ran
out of time tonight.)


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