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The contents of the "brew-install" repo

Dear all,

(As the original email I was intending to write ended up being huge,
I'm dividing it into more palatable, smaller chunks.)

Alex: Could you please confirm I have grasped this correctly?

TL; DR: **Avoid being deceived by the repo's name. "brew-install"
contains *much more* than just a brew installer...**

Let's go back to the core of this message...

According to brew-install's README.md [1]

[1] https://github.com/clojure/brew-install#brew-install

> The outputs of this project are a tar file (versioned)
> and a brew formula (clojure.rb), suitable for updating in the brew central tap.

I assume that the only thing that we are interested in is the tar content.

Continuing with the README.md...

> The tar file contains:
>    - clojure script - the main Clojure runner
>    - clj script - a clojure wrapper for interactive repl use (adds rlwrap)

I have already described what these two scripts do, how they work,
and their relationship with the ones currently provided by Debian
in a separate thread.

Content listing, continued:
>    - clojure-tools jar - an uberjar for constructing classpaths via tools.deps

Actually, there are currently *two* jars: an uberjar
(`clojure-tools-$VERSION`) and a non-uberjar

The non-uberjar contains:
- installers for GNU/Linux, Windows, and brew (macOS).
   This component is irrelevant for us.
- `clj` and `clojure` scripts (described above)
- The Clojure ns `clojure.run.exec`. (a dependency for the `clojure` script)

The uberjar contains:
- all of the non-uberjar content, plus
- a Clojure uberjar, with the libraries currently in Debian + the ones
I am working on.

Content listing, ending:
>    - deps.edn - the initial user deps.edn file

Just a default `deps.edn` file.

As you can see, although the repo is named "brew-install", it contains
much more than that.


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