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Re: [Clojure-CLI] Proposed course of action for `clj`

On 2021-06-11 11 h 04, ldoctors@gmail.com wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have started my detailed analysis of clj's dependencies.
> (Repo: https://github.com/clojure/brew-install)
> This is the short version. For more details, please refer to
> https://wiki.debian.org/Clojure/Goals/Clojure-CLI

Very good! I like your wiki page, that's the level of details I wanted.

> # General Strategy:
> 1. Check which packages are already in Debian (some of them already are).
> 2. Identify leaf nodes (all)
> 3. Identify leaf nodes to work on (maybe some are not?)
> 4. Work on `org.clojure` leaf nodes
> 5. Work on non-`org.clojure` leaf nodes

That sounds like a reasonable plan.

> # Conclusions
> 1. The only first-level dependency not already in Debian is
> `org.clojure:tools.deps.alpha`.
> 2. There are two org.clojure leaf nodes: `libtools-gitlibs-clojure and
> libtools-cli-clojure`.
> # Proposed course of action
> 1. package `org.clojure:tools.gitlibs`
> 2. consider updating `libtools-cli-clojure` (already in Debian)
> 3. consider packaging `org.clojure:data.xml`

As mentioned on IRC, this package is already in the archive as

> 4. consider packaging com.cognitec.aws:* packages

I'd like to know more about those dependencies. What are they for? Do we
need them to package this lib in Debian?

I also think it would be a better idea for you to start working on
updating existing packages before packaging new ones. As such, I propose
you have a look at libtools-cli-clojure (and maybe libdata-xml-clojure
if we can indeed update it without having to update leiningen).

Updating them will give you valuable experience. Once that's done, you
can start working on leaf packages.

So to recap:

1. Investigate com.cognitec.aws:* packages
2. Update packages in the archive that need to be updated
3. Package leaf packages
4. Package libtools-deps-alpha-clojure

  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  Louis-Philippe Véronneau
  ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋   pollo@debian.org / veronneau.org

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