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[Important] Changes to Mailing SmartList list

Hi all,

First of all, sorry to all the junk mails that you are receiving right
now, this is due to my carelessness in writing the .procmailrc. Please
don't unsubscribe due to this surge of rubbish mails...

Back to the issue, I've requested Debian to set up a new mailing list
for us, namely debian-simplified-chinese@lists.debian.org. This new
mailing list is for those who use Simplified Chinese. The current
list debian-chinese will be solely for Traditional Chinese from now

I know that it's really a pain to discuss in English instead of in our
native language (this is somewhat absurb too). From now on, let's
write in Chinese :)

I've set up a user who uses procmail to synchronize the two lists
(thanks Roy Chan a.k.a.Voidoo for the idea). That means you only need
to post to one of the two lists, and my procmail recipe will convert
from the other encoding, and then send to the other list.

As I'm no expert in procmail, this is my .procmailrc for your
reference (bug reports are welcome, as usual :) :

MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail      # You'd better make sure it exists

#code to gb
:0 c
* ^X-Mailing-List: <debian-chinese@lists.debian.org>
* !^From:.*ypwong@niet.webforce.com.hk
* !^X-Loop: ypwong@niet.webforce.com.hk
| autogb | cat - $HOME/toZH-S.txt | $SENDMAIL debian-simplified-chinese@lists.debian.org

#code to big5
:0 c
* ^X-Mailing-List: <debian-simplified-chinese@lists.debian.org>
* !^From:.*ypwong@niet.webforce.com.hk
* !^X-Loop: ypwong@niet.webforce.com.hk
| autob5 | cat - $HOME/toZH-T.txt | $SENDMAIL debian-chinese@lists.debian.org

Thanks a lot to Yu Guanghui for his autoconvert program that he sent
earlier to the list. I'm using his program to do the conversion to
catch HZ-encoded mails.

That's all for now, enjoy :)

Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: hajime@asunaro.dhs.org / ypwong@debian.org ]

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