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Re: Bug#165385: Please make debian-chinese-{big5,gb} subscribers-only with moderators

Josip Rodin wrote:
>On Thu, Jan 02, 2003 at 07:56:38AM +1100, listmaster@lists.debian.org wrote:
>>>at your earliest convenience.  The spam problem on
>>>debian-chinese-{big5,gb} is getting worse and worse day by day!  
>>This is a problem which affects all lists.
>Actually, it should be worse for the Chinese lists, because AFAIK
>SpamAssassin doesn't catch any Chinese spam phrases, and for obvious reasons
>you can't just filter on charset.
   I think Japanese and Korean list should have the same problem. 
 SpamAssassin didn't support east asia languages. :( As I known, there 
isn't any spam filter that can filter CJK charsets.
                        Yu Guanghui

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