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sudo binary missing after live-build image installation


After hearing all the praises for bookworm, I built and installed my first-ever Debian instance. During the installation, I was prompted to enter a superuser password and I skipped this step. I know then the first user I created will have administrator privileges by using the sudo command (I prefer this way as I came from Ubuntu-like distros). 

However, when I tried running any commands with sudo after the installation. It prompts me,
- bash: sudo: command not found

I double-checked my user account's groups using groups. I could see the account indeed belongs to the sudo group. I'm not sure if I messed up any steps during the build process or missed any option flags in lb config command. Or is this a bug with the live-build tool?

This is the lb config command used,
lb config \
--architectures amd64 \
--archive-areas 'main contrib non-free' \
--backports true \
--security true \
--updates true \
--source false \
--distribution bookworm \
--debian-installer live \
--debian-installer-distribution bookworm \
--debootstrap-options "--include=apt-transport-https,ca-certificates,openssl"


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