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Meta info - about the reply (was: Re: .iso images)

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[ Reducing cc'ed list since I'm subscribed and it is not related ]
[ with the original post :-)					 ]

On 02/24/2006 01:55 PM, Richard Atterer wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 09:32:08PM -0300, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) wrote:
>>	You should check this FAQ item:
>>		http://www.debian.org/CD/faq/#which-cd
> As can be seen from the OP's question, he has already done that!

	Sorry, but I couldn't be sure, Mike just said he had
read the FAQs, but he didn't said which FAQs he had read (no
links or references, could be an unofficial FAQ site). :|

>>	No problem, just a small observation, next time when you have a 
>>technical doubt or a support question, you should use debian-user 
>>maillist. The debian-cd is a list used to develop the CD building system.
> IMHO this question is on-topic for this list. debian-user is mainly for 
> users of already-installed systems.

	Now I'm a little bit in doubt. If you check Debian CD FAQ:

	# debian-cd:   Discussion about the CD image creation process,
		       available CD mirrors, problems when booting from
		       CD, announcements of new official images.

	# debian-boot: A bit of a misnomer, this list actually covers the
		       installation process; any problems encountered after
		       successfully booting from CD may be more appropriate
		       here than in debian-cd.

	# debian-user: General support list for users of Debian GNU/Linux.
		       Focus is more on problems encountered after a
		       successful installation, when using the system.
		       There are also several lists for non-English
		       speakers, in Català, Chinese, Dansk, Esperanto,
		       Français, Deutsch, Magyar, Indonesian, Italiano,
		       ??? (Nihongo), Polski, Português, ???????
		       (Russkij), Español, Svenska, Türkçe, and Ukrainian.

	The list of topics does not fit "problems to download CDs", because
of that (and considering that we point user to debian-user-portuguese in
Brasil) I thought -user is more indicated to a newcomer than -cd. Anyway,
I will reconsider that in future posts. :)

	Kind regards,

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
"Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!"
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