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Re: About RockRidge

Hi Michael.

According to your advice I got it done, tks.  The image has to be
mounted before the data can be read, similar to a tarball.

My adventure started in running debian_cd on a PC without OS only
connected to a empty HD, partitioned and formatted.  In doing so I can
ran any LiveCD on this PC, disregarding its OS, Linux/Unix/Windows etc.
 But I encountered problem in transferring data via CD in preserving
their permission and ownership.  Then I searched around and came to
RockRidge on "mkisofs".  Some folks said possible and others said "NO".
 On Joerg Schilling's emails he requested me "Try man mkisofs to learn
how to correctly use RR".  He neither said YES nor said NO but never
gave me a solution.

I personally think the most easy way for transferring data in retaining
their properties are making use of USB Flash Drive, no need to compress
the data.

Anyway lot of thanks for your advice and assistance.


- snip -

> You will have to umount before (i noted you'd tried that) but like I
> said, 
> this isn't the right way to do it, if you want tp preserve
> permissions you 
> need to use tar.  ext2/3 are not filesystems intended for use on
> static 
> media.
> USe the 'dmesg' command just after you attempted mount to see what 
> information that gives.  It will likely have a better clue as to why
> the 
> ext2 kernel driver refused to mount the filesystem, again, I'm not
> sure if 
> /mnt/cdwriter exists, if it doesn't you can get this error as well. 
> also I 
> noticed you're formatting ext3 this probably won't work since the 
> journalling code could get funny.
> In any event you're at the limit of what I can help you with because
> I've 
> never done anything like this, and this is off topic for debian-cd as
> well. 
> Might want to find a linux support or help forum to ask instead, but
> it's 
> likely they'll tell us use tar, or rsync across the network, or some
> other 
> method.  CD-ROM formats just aren't good at preserving all of the
> metadata, 
> and non-CDROM formats aren't very well tested for use on cdroms.
> I'll poke about later today and see what i get, I don't see why you 
> shouldn't be able to mount an ext2/3 FS off a CD offhand, but...i'm
> not 
> sure....
> You could always burn an image of a ext2/3 filesystem onto the cd,
> then 
> mount htat image *or* copy that image onto a HDD then mount it....
> ie
> dd if=/dev/zero of=raw_ext3.img bs=1M count=650
> mke2fs raw_ext3.img
> mount raw_ext3.img /mnt
> cp -a .... /mnt
> umount raw_ext3.img
> mkisofs -o isofs.iso raw_ext3.img
> cdrecord isofs.iso
> (now on target machine)
> insert cd
> mount /cdrom
> mount /cdrom/raw_ext3.img /mnt/point *or* cp /cdrom/raw_ext3.img . ;
> mount 
> raw_ext3.img /mnt/point
> /mnt/point now has the image mounted.

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