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Re: Problems controlling the content on CD one

[Raphael Hertzog]
> Check in the temporary dir for a file called log.list2cds, and check its
> content. Look for the name of missing packages ... and read what is
> explained. You may find why your package wasn't included.

Thank you very much.  Finally a way to debug this situation.

> You also have to make sure, that the indicated package are referenced
> in the Packages files (the local one I guess for your own packages).

This seem to be OK.

> Are you sure they disappeared, haven't they simply moved (from CD1
> to CD3 for example) ?

If I read the file log.list2cds correctly, the packages where moved to
CD2.  I'm not sure why, but I believe CD1 was full.  What decide in
which order the packages are added to the CDs?  Which list of packages
are used and in which order?  I want to make sure our task list is
used first.

Perhaps I need to reduce the list of "standard, required, important
and base packages".  I do not see the need for both v2.95 and v3.0 of
GCC.  Three different kernel versions (2.2.19, 2.2.10 and 2.4.12),
paired with pcmcia-modules for completely different kernels (2.2.17
and 2.2.18-pre21) do not seem like a good idea.

Again, thank you for pointing me to the log file.  :-)

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