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Re: Redesign of cdimage website

On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, Richard Atterer wrote:

> I've finally pulled myself together and started on a redesigned
> website - different graphics and site structure, but mostly the same
> content. I've uploaded the first results to
> <http://cdimage.debian.org/~atterer/>.

Very nice.

> You'll notice that most of the links don't work yet - a lot still
> remains to be done.
> How do people like it? Does it stand any chance of eventually
> replacing <http://cdimage.debian.org/>?

It looks much better than it already.

One thing: Reorder the list so that "Install directly from the network."
is the first point, since it is the one we should point most users

Otherwise it looks clear and usable.

/Mattias Wadenstein

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