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Re: cvs commit to debian-cd by costar

On Tue 08 May, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Le Tue, May 08, 2001 at 11:52:54PM +0200, J.A. Bezemer crivait:
> > partially tested changes that have more effects than you seem to see.
> > People expect debian-cd-latest-CVS to produce correct and usable CDs for
> > any Debian version and any architecture. Well, nothing of that seems to
> > be true at the
> Let me say that this is quite impossible. Latest CVS debian-cd builds good
> image of the latest Debian version. You can't expect it to build all
> version of Debian correctly since we do so many changes to the structure
> of our mirror that it's simply not reasonable to expect that.

This is not good. Is it really not going to be possible to have one version
sof debian-cd that can make both potato or woody CDs depening on some config

Obviously it is possible to maintain two versions of debian-cd and configure
them and use them for their appointed tasks but it's a lot of extra work for
everyone who makes CDs. Can we not do some of that work in the source and
keep things (relatively!) simple at the point of use?

I currently build potato custom CDs on a day to day basis for most customers
but the advanced ones are starting to want woody-based CDs. That's OK, but
I'd really appreciate it if I only had to keep one version of debian-cd to do
it...things are quite complicated enough as it is.

I can accept that it is harder to make debian-cd do both potao and woody
style builds that just one or the other, but I find it hard to believe this
its so hard as to be 'not reasonable'. Can someone explain what is so
difficult about it?

I'm sufficiently keen on this that I might even try and do some work on

Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK  Tel (00 44) 1223 811679
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