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Re: Slink CDimages

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, David Gaudine wrote:

>> can you tell me the esimated amount of diskspace s slink mirror with
>> i386-binary non-free, non-us, and source would need? And how can I do
>> this?
>Install the "mirror" packages and read the documentation.
>That didn't work for me, but maybe it will work for you.
>I'm more or less kidding, I did run a successful mirror once,
>but deleted it last year because of disk space.  I'm trying
>again today.  A couple of snags.  First, the "Quick Start Guide"
>says to edit "mirror.defaults" and change "hostname",
>"local_dir", "remote_password", and "mail_to".  None of those
>things are in my "mirror.defaults" at all.  I suppose I should
>read the full documentation.  However, editing
>/etc/mirror/packages/ftp.debian.org is probably good enough.

It's a good enough starting point - it's what I started with quite a whiel
back. If I get a chance I'll tidy my mirror file up a bit and post it

Steve McIntyre, Allstor Software         smcintyr@allstor-sw.co.uk
Getting a SCSI chain working is perfectly simple if you remember that there
must be exactly three terminations: one on one end of the cable, one on the
far end, and the goat, terminated over the SCSI chain with a silver-handled
knife whilst burning *black* candles. --- Anthony DeBoer

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