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Security Presentation CDs

Could someone please send a copy of our dist to this person?  Please drop 
me a line at press@debian.org if you do.

Thanks, Nils.

------- Forwarded Message

Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 14:37:30 -0700
From: Christian Jensen <christian@njh.com>
Reply-To: christian@njh.com
Organization: NJH Security Consulting
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To: press@debian.org
Subject: Security Presentation
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In May I will be giving a Linux Security presentation at the Salt Lake
Linux Users Group (www.sllug.org).  I will be comparing the
out-of-the-box security for 4 Linux distributions, Debian being one.  I
am requesting that you send me a copy of your latest release for the
purposes of this presentation.  Thanks for your help.

Christian Jensen
1127 23rd Street
Ogden, UT  84401
- -- 
  Christian Jensen
  NJH Security Consulting

------- End of Forwarded Message

Nils Lohner				E-Mail: lohner@debian.org
Debian Press Contact                    Press:  press@debian.org

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