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Re: New version of libedit in experimental: tests welcome


On Fri, 2013-08-02 at 19:34:01 +0200, Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
> I just uploaded in experimental a new upstream version of libedit
> published here:
> http://www.thrysoee.dk/editline/
> It would be nice if you could test if your packages still behave the
> same. I am not really worried but since it is an important package, I
> would like confirmations.

I had just noticed that the version in experimental dropped the libbsd
usage and started using its embedded function copies, with the
consequence of exporting them as part of the shared library.

I'll try to send a patch, in case this does not get fixed in
the meantime. Most probably adding to LDFLAGS the output of
«pkg-config --libs libbsd-overlay» and to CFLAGS the output of
«pkg-config --clags libbsd-overlay», and passing these to ./configure
might be enough. The fix_gcc_warnings.diff patch should probably be
dropped then too. Plus updating the symbols file.


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