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Bug#1064617: update password selection advice

Holger Wansing <hwansing@mailbox.org> writes:

> Apparently we have reached something like a consensus on this topic, 
> should we merge this then?
> <https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/user-setup/-/merge_requests/7>
> Any objections?

None from me.

The only reason I've not done it already was that I wanted to check that
the wording still works if we were to merge MR !6 [1] or something like it.

However the current t64 transition bugs stopped me from building a
mini-ISO, and I've been busy since noticing that, so didn't have time to
work out how to work round those bugs.

That's not a reason to delay this MR though.

Cheers, Phil.

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/user-setup/-/merge_requests/6

> Holger
> -- 
> Sent from /e/ OS on Fairphone3

Philip Hands -- https://hands.com/~phil

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