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Re: Can't mount crypted RAID1 disks after stable install from buster netinstall

Hi again Rory,

Rory Campbell-Lange <rory@campbell-lange.net> (2019-05-18):
> > If you're installing stretch with a buster image, you're using
> > cryptsetup-udeb from buster during the installation, which forcibly uses
> > type luks2 for created encrypted devices; which then can't be opened by
> > stretch's cryptsetup (that only knows about luks1).
> > 
> > Incidently, offering an option to stick to luks1 is something I'm
> > working on right now; you might try your luck without waiting for me, by
> > patching the running installation system this way: once partman-crypto
> > has been installed, locate lib/crypto-base.sh and apply this:
> > 
> > -       /sbin/cryptsetup -c $cipher-$iv -d $pass -h $hash -s $size create $mapping $device
> > +       /sbin/cryptsetup --type luks1 -c $cipher-$iv -d $pass -h $hash -s $size create $mapping $device
> Thanks very much for that information. I'll give it a go.

Beware, there are two different cryptsetup calls: one create in
setup_dmcrypt and one luksFormat in setup_luks; the former is what I
quoted above after a (too) quick glance, while the latter is what you
need to patch. Confirmed to work fine with a buster installer, creating
a luks1 volume.

Cyril Brulebois (kibi@debian.org)            <https://debamax.com/>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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