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Re: [GSoC] Reg Blends Web Sentinel

Hi Akshita,

On Mon, Mar 02, 2015 at 10:21:41PM +0530, Akshita Jha wrote:
> I tried to run the command:
>     $ ./bugs_udd.py webconf/debian-junior.conf
> The output was:
>     No handlers could be found for logger "blends"

Perhaps the doc is missleading / insufficiently here.  The call should be:

    $ ./bugs_udd.py debian-junior
> Logged from file blendstasktoolsold.py, line 440
> mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/srv/blends.debian.org’: Permission denied

I guess this is undocumented.

Untested:  I think I did the following:

  $ sudo mkdir -p /srv
  $ sudo chmod <enable write permission to you on /srv>
  $ cd /srv
  $ git clone git://git.debian.org/git/blends/website.git blends.debian.org

This will hopefully create all needed dirs with sufficient permissions.
The data dir is just for downloading data by the webtools and www dir
contains static pages.  Its sub-subdirs are the target dirs for dynamic
page creation.
> So, I changed the 'tasksdir' varibale in the 'FetchTasksFile' function of
> 'blendstasktoolsold.py' to 'tasksdir = '.' + data['datadir'] + '/' + dir'

That's another option if you want to derive from the layout on
> After this I get the following error on the running the command './bugs.py
> webconf/debian-junior.conf':
> svn: E000111: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'svn://
> svn.debian.org/git:/git.debian.org/git/debianjr/debian-junior.git/tasks'
> svn: E000111: Can't connect to host 'svn.debian.org': Connection refused

That URL looks really broken. Hmmm.  Could you retry after having done
the steps above and please never use

   <script> webconf/<blend>.conf

but always

   <script> <blend>

The update-all* scripts will probably tell you if you inject some

   set -x

inside. :-)
> Also, should I be getting these errors ? What am I doing wrong ? I had
> cloned the git repo: git://git.debian.org/git/blends/website.git.
> Can you guide me on how to recreate the encoding error ?

Perhaps the hints above will lead you further.  Just let me know if not
and keep on posting the errors you get here.

Thanks for your interest



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