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Re: Broken package dependencies in Debian backports

On Wed, 2016-06-08 at 23:36 -0400, Harlan Lieberman-Berg wrote:
> Michael Prokop <mika@debian.org> writes:
> > I noticed that Debian backports includes packages which can't be
> > installed due to broken dependencies. Today I took some minutes to
> > write a script using the lovely dose-distcheck tool to identify such
> > packages and hereby report my findings.
> Awesome; is this something that you could potentially integrate into one
> of the services that runs regularly over the archive?  Not sure which
> place it really would belong.  Lintian seems the wrong place; maybe
> something attached to ci.debian.org or reproducibility?  Or maybe its
> own service?

Ralf (CCed) already runs dose and files resulting bug reports, perhaps
we could convince him to run it over backports too. Probably we need
him to display the results on qa.d.o and get them integrated into
tracker.debian.org so maintainers and backporters can see the issues.




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