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Re: LXC backport for jessie?


On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 02:28:35PM +0100, Christian Seiler wrote:

> I uploaded a backport to Debian mentors, see:
> http://mentors.debian.net/package/lxc
> I did mention that to Antonio on IRC a while back, but he was away
> at that time and apparently his client didn't forward the messages
> properly, because I didn't hear anything back.
> Anyway, would you sponsor the package? There were no changes to the
> Stretch version, it builds just fine under Jessie.

Yes, I'll have a look.

> I also checked and you can get unprivileged containers to work under
> a normal user, but it is not completely trivial, but that isn't
> specific to backports, there is no difference to Stretch there; I'll
> write something up here once the package is uploaded.

As soon we have lxcfs 2.0 in Debian this will be easier.
apt-get install libpam-cgfs and relogin. I have this running on a test-box :)

> > Would you also be interested in helping maintaining the LXC stack in unstable?
> Sure.
> > If so: https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-lxc/ :)
> Ah, I didn't know that existed. I'll click on "request to join" and
> reference this email.

Funny, I do not see your request in the UI.
What's your Alioth login?

> Are there any plans to move that the packaging to git? I think
> that would make maintaining the package (and also e.g. backports)
> quite a bit easier.

Like this: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-lxc/? :)
The package in Debian just not yet has the Vcs fields set.

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