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Re: new siril package ready for upload

Cyril Richard <cyril.richard42@gmail.com> writes:
> Hello. I think I can say I fixed bugs and commited changes.
> New version is always 0.9.2-1 as nothing had been released.
> Please review what we did and upload the package if everything is
> fine.

Could you please update the standards-version field to the new 0.9.7? As
far as I can see, there is no change needed; however please re-check


Also, could you update the Vcs-Git field to a secure URL like


Otherwise, it looks fine for me. What you could do to make it even more
perfect: create a file debian/upstream/metadata and fill the fields that
apply: https://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamMetadata

Especially the reference citation and the Repository(-Browse) are
welcome; they help us keeping our web pages complete. This is however
not required, I will upload even without this.

> How about to move Siril in the tools section of Debian-astro ?

I will move it wherever you want it. However: The idea of the
"telescopecontrol" task was to collect the needs for amateurs; maybe
just the task is not called accordingly. If I move it to tools, it may
be not found by the targetted audience under all the fitsverify stuff. I
am very open for a better structure here, however.

Best regards


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