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Re: flash-kernel and dtb

On Sat, 2014-06-14 at 14:18 +0200, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> The only thing I am wondering is why does it not create a symlink into the 
> root directory, as there is one for vmlinuz and initrd:
> root@bokocube:/# ln -s /boot/dtb-3.15-rc8-armmp dtb-armmp
> ?

Those symlinks are created by the kernel packaging. I would have liked
for flash-kernel to do something similar for the dtb but I thought it
should follow the /etc/kernel-image.conf settings (in particular
do_symlinks,relative_links and link_in_boot) but I lacked the time to
make it do so and it isn't strictly needed anyway (see below).

BTW if it were to create a link it should be /dtb not /dtb-$flavour.

> Do I need to update my bootcmd in u-boot with each updated kernel manually?

Your boot command should load and then source the boot.scr which
flash-kernel has created, it contains the right things and is
automatically updated when the kernel/initramfs/etc changes.

I don't have a cubox but I was under the impression that the default
u-boot environment (at least for the u-boot packaged in Debian) would Do
The Right Thing.


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