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Re: Installing Wheezy on DreamPlug: Unable to make the system bootable

Le samedi 31 août 2013 à 10:59 +0100, Ian Campbell a écrit :
> I downloaded: 
> ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-armel/current/images/kirkwood/netboot/marvell/dreamplug/
> 7bc3332ed880606509511c7b4b439266  uImage
> 6afad330c6d75296255782e79226c94a  uInitrd

I confirm I used the exact same images (md5sum matches).

> Did you select any non-default options as you went through the
> installer?

I have restarted the whole installation process, that I'll try to detail
as much as possible in this email.

As for u-boot:
Marvell>> setenv serverip
Marvell>> setenv ipaddr
Marvell>> tftpboot 0x00800000 uImage
Marvell>> tftpboot 0x01100000 uInitrd
Marvell>> setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200n8
Marvell>> bootm 0x00800000 0x01100000

Then the installer starts. The first few questions are:
Select a language: English
Select your location: other: Europe: France
Configure locales: en_US.UTF-8
Configure the network: eth0 (dhcp configuration succeeds)
Hostname: gagarine
Domain name: paulk.fr
Choose a mirror of the Debian archive: France: ftp.fr.debian.org
HTTP proxy: (blank)

Then "Loading additional components" retrieves some installer
components. I finally get to:
Set up users and passwords: (root password) (user name) (user password)

> Are you installing to internal or external MMC?

Next, I get to "Partition disks" -- I use a manual layout because I
don't want swap on the internal microsd card. In the end, it looks like
SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) - 4.0 GB Generic STORAGE DEVICE
>     #1  primary  225.4 MB  B  F  ext2    /boot
>     #2  primary    3.7 GB     F  ext2    /

I confirm that I don't want swap and write changes to disk. It moves on
to "Installing the base system", then I say no to popularity-contest and
get to tasksel, where I select "SSH server" and "Standard system
utilities". Then it goes up to "Making the system bootable" and hangs at
"Installed u-boot-tools".

Also, I checked that u-boot-tools has the same md5 from the mirror I use
compared to what I get from another mirror.

> When it hangs do you get a cancel or go back button which would allow
> you to access the installer syslog? Perhaps if you force a reboot at
> this point and boot in rescue mode (add "rescue/enable=true" to the
> bootargs) then you can access the target rootfs and find the instller
> logs in /var/log/installer?

That is probably something that I can do. Worst case scenario, I restart
the install in expert mode, enable ssh and get the logs when it hangs.

> It shouldn't matter (if your kernel is booting you don't have the buggy
> one), but which u-boot do you have? Mine reports:
>         U-Boot 2012.04.01 (Jun 01 2012 - 02:17:08)

U-Boot 2012.04.01 (Jun 01 2012 - 02:17:08) here as well (that's the
version from the debian packages on wheezy).

Note that I also have a sheevaplug that I want to reinstall using
Wheezy, so I'll go through the same steps (on an external sdcard
though). I'll let you know if I encounter the same problem as what I got
with the DreamPlug.

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