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Bug#405773: Mysql auth how then?

Thanks for your input.
For my part i solved my problem, as you usually do asking various folk and trying this and that.

In short the documentation:

is incorrect re pam-mysql, as it transpires, among other things. I have contacted the author, to little avail.

Half way down where it says:
auth sufficient pam_mysql.so verbose=1 user=webuser passwd=  host= db=drupal5 table=drupal5._shared_users usercolumn=drupal5._shared_users.name passwdcolumn=drupal5._shared_users.pass crypt=3

you need to also put:
account sufficient pam_mysql.so verbose=1 user=webuser passwd=  host= db=drupal5 table=drupal5._shared_users usercolumn=drupal5._shared_users.name passwdcolumn=drupal5._shared_users.pass crypt=3

Thats it, and it'll keep me happy, and by extention others I guess if it were better documented, until http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=405773 is resolved. How long before mod_authn_dbd does  mysql ?


Peter Scott

Joey Schulze wrote:

Joey Schulze wrote:

Peter Scott wrote:

Can somebody please, please tell me HOW YOU DO auth with etch apache 2.2 mysql?

Hi Peter,

there was libapache2-mod-auth-mysql in sid which you can rebuild on etch.
Since it has been removed from unstable you'll have to fetch the source
code from <http://snapshot.debian.net/libapache-mod-auth-mysql>.

I've just seen that you've tried mod-auth-mysql 3.0.  Beware, that's
a totally different approach.  The one mentioned above has been included
in Debian once and works on Debian.  I use it on etch.



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