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Re: Apache reads from wrong DocumentRoot

Hi Håvard,

  Changing your isp probably changed your ip address.

The NameVirtualHost takes an ip address.
The ServerName is a directive.

The syntax that I use for this part of the apache configuration look
roughly thus:

NameVirtualHost aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd

<VirtualHost aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd>
ServerName site1.domain.co.nz
DocumentRoot /servers/site1/html

<VirtualHost aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd>
ServerName site2.domain.co.nz
DocumentRoot /servers/site2/html

  You will need a fixed ip address.  i.e.  Determine your ip address
when you connect and (re)write the configuration dynamically.  Maybe
from a template, maybe from a database.

Mark Munro

On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 07:43, The sky is the limit wrote:
> Hi,
> after I changed ISP yesterday, my APache suddenly decided to totally
> ignore my virtual host directives and read from DocumentRoot
> /usr/htdocs, something I have never set it to do.
> I use dyndns for virtual hosts, and my apache vhost config is 
> NameVirtualHost foo.dyndns.org
> <VirtualHost blabla.foo.com>
> 	DocumentRoot /usr/foo/dir/
> 	...
> </VirtualHost>
> Why does apache apparently "ignore" this? 
> -- 
> Med vennlig hilsen / Yours sincerely
> Håvard Stranden, <havarden@cloudchaser.net>
> (GPG key available at http://www.cloudchaser.net/om/?p=gpg)
> "The box said Windows 95 or better, so I installed Linux..."
> -- 
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