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Re: What is the matter with the "http://people.debian.org/~rafael/skype-amd64/"?

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 4:30 AM, A J Stiles<deb64@earthshod.co.uk> wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 Jul 2009, James Brown wrote:
>> I know about ekiga and such but they do not serve for all my aims.
>> I (and many people in my country - Russia, when existing terrible and
>> bloody dictatorship of tyrants Putin and Medvedev ) need to have an
>> encrypted telephony either for calling to VoiP-phones or to ordinary
>> phones. But in the last case ekiga and SIP are not useful and the sources
>> of the Putins secret political police such "SORM" can control all my
>> outgoing calles through ekiga and SIP.
> Are you really so naïve as to think that Governments haven't paid the
> developers of Skype to insert a backdoor?  That could explain part of the
> reason why they are so dead set against anybody else getting their hands on
> the Source Code.

Do you really believe a horribly inept and inefficient government is
going to have the computing power to search through and sort the
massive amount of data produced from such an effort?  Skype is closed
source because of greed, eBay wants as much profit as they can
possibly acquire from skype and that includes licensing the code to

> If it's encrypted telephony you want, you can always tunnell an IAX connection
> through OpenSSH.  The only secrets then are the session keys; and when you
> sever the connection, you can even publish the used keys, thus allowing you
> plausibly to claim that any remaining encrypted data found on your system was
> placed there afterward and re-datestamped.

Of course, if you really are living in a dictatorship, you've just
raised a red flag by using known protocols and no amount of
deniability will help you.  If you are discussing things that will
have repercussions from dictatorial governments, do not do so in a
public place which is what the Internet is.

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