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Re: 32 bit pkg on amd64

Jan-Hendrik Palic <palic@billgotchy.de> writes:

> Hi.
> On Mon, Mar 02, 2009 at 08:02:50PM +0100, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
>>Package: ia32-apt-get
>>Description: Apt-get and dpkg wrapper for on-the-fly ia32-libs conversion
>> On amd64 and ia64 the kernel is capable of executing i386
>> binaries. For that to work with dynamically linked binaries the
>> required 32bit libraries need to be available as well. This package
>> contains wrappers for apt-get and dpkg that will enable you to install
>> i386 packages and convert them as they are being installed.
> I am using ia32-apt-get successfully on my system running unstable.
> One issue is that apt-get update seems to run the conversion of package
> twice.
> Does anyone know where to look?
> Regards
> Jan

What do you mean with twice?

If you mean the downloading of Packages then you are wrong. apt-get is
actualy run tree times.

If you mean converting debs then you are also wrong. They are
converted as needed while they are unpacked. That means dpkg-deb
--control and --fsys-tarfile do both convert but different parts.

Note that downloading a package with apt-get does no conversion at
all. It just fetches the file and stores it under a new name.


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